Reclaim your Life2023-08-13T17:45:26+10:00

Reclaim your


We provide retreats, workshops and personal sessions for women who have experienced domestic and family abuse. Our services comprehensively and effectively bring about emotional relief, develop strategies and build resilience for women on their recovery journey.


Welcome to a New Beginning

The Life 2 Project exists to provide low cost or no cost healing & recovery solutions for women who have experienced domestic or family violence and related abuses, and who are financially challenged as a result. We offer highly effective services that aim to “heal, empower, educate and connect” our guests to live a freer and fuller life.

Our quality of service and the outcomes for our participants are our highest priority.

This is an evolutionary journey and we are constantly shaping, developing and growing as a team and in our work, developing content, methodologies, and ideologies to support a trauma-sensitive and informed safe space for women’s healing and recovery.

Did You Know

One in three women in Australia is affected by domestic violence.

For those who are successful in leaving there are many challenges to face. Two of the main challenges are emotional and financial trauma. Many women are faced with the choice between struggling to survive financially or returning to the abuser. Many are at risk of homelessness. After any separation, it can be difficult to start again, especially when also supporting children, but starting over in a state of trauma with no way to afford an effective way to release it can seem impossible.

The Solution

The Life 2 Project provides subsidized or free placements for women on a low income through our social enterprise model. Guests attend our Retreats and Workshops at a fraction of the full cost, or for free when funding is available.

We guide our guests through gentle emotional release processes and equip them with strategies and tools to take away and implement every day to break out of  negative emotional patterns. We work with women to build a constructive mindset, change negative beliefs and to adapt and change old habitual behaviours.

Our Beliefs

We believe that a holistic approach to emotional empowerment is the most effective way to break the cycle of domestic violence. We believe that every woman has the right to heal past wounds, to be empowered to live the life she chooses, to receive education in the areas that build awareness of body, mind and spirit and to be connected with a like-minded and supportive community. We believe that every woman has
the right to live free of the emotional trauma of past experiences. We believe that every woman has the right to access effective processes and information, regardless of income.

Our Impact

Through bringing emotional empowerment and the ability to recover from trauma within the reach of this very large and mostly unsupported sector of our society, our work provides not only a huge benefit for women who have experienced abuse, but also for her family, her local community and beyond. Research shows that healing trauma leads to a more fulfilling and productive life, more connected relationships and better long term physical and mental health.

Our Philosophy – The Four Pillars


Our emotions can at times feel like a runaway train, even for people who have not been involved in an abusive relationship it can be difficult to manage the stress, anxiety, fears and pressures of daily life. Discover how to heal the past, embrace the future, and enjoy the now using cutting edge techniques taught by our specialist team.


You have taken the big and difficult step of leaving an abusive situation. You hav e freed yourself and you are ready to start letting go of the past and move into a new life. Find out what’s available for you next.


Learn more about a wide range of subjects on areas of life including health and wellness, spirituality, financial empowerment, education, relationships, personal development methods and new science to support your personal growth and evolution.


Join our live events. Look out for updates of our live events, speaking engagements and fundraisers through our social media and website.

Life 2 Programs

Workshops, Retreats & Sessions

Here’s a quick overview of our Workshops,  Retreats & Sessions. Click the links below to find out more..

One Day Workshops

Our One Day Workshops are designed for those who have limited time to dedicate toward their own self-care but want to make big changes toward recovering from trauma associated with domestic violence.

Duration: One whole day for you

Three Day Retreat

During this 3-day immersion participants experience the power of group work but also have the opportunity to delve deeply into their own unconscious programming with our experienced one on one practitioners.

Duration: 3 days, 2 nights

Ten Week Workshop

Our ten-week multi-layered program teaches women who have experienced domestic and family violence how to effectively reduce and manage stress, anxiety and a host of other related feelings and issues.

Duration: 20 hours over 10 weeks

Private Sessions

We follow up your retreat or workshop experience with personal sessions designed to further explore any freshly surfacing challenging memories, patterns or beliefs. Private sessions in person, via phone or on Skype/Zoom.

Duration: Up to 90 mins

Meet the Founder

Jane Sleight-Leach

Jane began her “Life 2” when she left an abusive relationship and she has not looked back!

“Several years ago I began my journey back to myself. I was fearful – actually dreading my own future. I was distressed, disconnected, full of self-loathing and shame. The hopes and dreams I’d had for my life were shattered. My choices were simple. Keep doing what I’d been doing, accept and live with the pain and misery in my life OR face my fears head-on and make changes. I began my healing journey, I gathered knowledge, I sought out new experiences, I became open to receiving what I needed to come back to being me, and I accepted the challenges along the way.”

Jane’s commitment to finding relief from emotional trauma led her to become a trained practitioner in the processes that she found were most effective for her. The exciting part is that she has now developed a holistic approach to help break the cycle of domestic violence, not only on a personal level but on a generational level. Jane has put her wish list of what she needed to restart her life into action and can now share it with others.

“I have been fortunate enough to have the support and guidance from a handful of women who walked similar paths before me. They expected nothing in return for their support, advice and time. I’m eternally grateful and passionate about paying their generosity forward through The Life 2 Project.”

Meet the Founder

Jane Sleight-Leach

Jane began her “Life 2” when she left an abusive relationship and she has not looked back!

“Several years ago I began my journey back to myself. I was fearful – dreading my own future. I was distressed, disconnected, full of self-loathing and shame. The hopes and dreams I’d had for my life were shattered. My choices were simple .keep doing what I’d been doing, accept and live with the pain and misery in my life OR face my fears head-on and make changes. I began my healing journey, I gathered knowledge, I sought out experiences, I gifted myself the openness to receiving what was needed to fill me up, and I didn’t shy away from accepting the challenges.”

Jane’s commitment to finding relief from emotional trauma led her to become a trained facilitator in the processes that she found were most effective. The exciting part is that she has developed a holistic approach to help break the cycle of domestic violence, not only on a personal level but on a generational level. Jane has put her wish list of what she needed to restart her life into action and can now share it with others.

“I have been fortunate enough to have the support and guidance from a handful of women who walked similar paths before me. They expected nothing in return for their support, advice and rime. I’m eternally grateful and passionate about paying their generosity forward through The Life 2 Project.”


Workshop & Retreat Events

Register now for upcoming courses. Places on our Workshops and Retreats are strictly limited to ensure everyone gets the best level of service and personal attention possible.

Create Peace & Balance,10 Week Workshop Series LOGAN

October 6, 2023 @ 10:00 am - December 8, 2023 @ 1:00 pm

Join our ten week workshop series for women who have experienced an abusive relationship. This innovative 10 week program is fully funded by Logan City Council and includes 10 group sessions, 3 personal sessions per participant, workbooks and a light lunch. Free casual childcare is available at our venue.

TEN WEEK Workshop Series LOGAN

July 24, 2020 @ 9:00 am - 2:00 pm

Creating your peace and balance after an abusive relationship Creating your peace and balance after an abusive relationship, workshop series for women We are proud and excited to offer the next fully funded ten-week group program for women who have had past experience of domestic or family abuse, or other types of gendered abuse. Living


September 14, 2019 @ 9:00 am - September 16, 2019 @ 5:00 pm

This event is now closed..


August 11, 2019 @ 9:00 am - August 13, 2019 @ 5:00 pm

This event is now closed..

TEN WEEK Workshop Series LOGAN

July 19, 2019 @ 9:00 am - 11:00 pm

This event is now closed..

Call Me

Give me a call to discuss anything you need to discuss. Book your workshop or retreat, ask questions or make suggestions.

Send me a Private Email Message

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    How can I help?

    Service Providers

    Workshop Information for Service Providers

    Please connect with me to discuss how we might partner, or collaborate for a specific idea or program you have in mind. Any combination of the events and personal sessions I have outlined can be tailored to suit your business, audience, group or program. The information here is intended as a guide to the possibilities that this unique work offers and can be applied to a diverse range of areas of need. Millions of women all over the world in many environments and many backgrounds suffer every day from the effects of past trauma. We aim to offer flexible solutions that women are saying they need or would like to experience.

    Click the images to download our Workshop Session and Event outlines.

    If you are a service provider and would like us to deliver our workshops and retreats to your clients, please call us to discuss how we can work together most effectively.

    Call Jane now on: 0412 200 515

    Let’s Chat

    Schedule a 15-minute call with me

    If you would like to arrange a time to talk in private with Jane, please use the online booking system to select a day and time that is most convenient for you.



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